How to Create a Collaborative Album using Google+
Here’s how you can create a collaborative album using google +. A collaborative album will allow your
friends and family to contribute to a shared event. You’ll be able to see photos and videos from that holiday party, wedding, or hiking trip from multiple perspectives.
It’s a bit complicated and will take you the better part of 15 minutes to get the hang of it.
The “adding contributors” part is now outdated (the “send email instead” link is now gone in Plus).
To compensate, you can simply click share and add someone through the Google+ interface.
Go back to the album in Picasaweb and click the upload button logo next to your Google + friend contact.
It’s easy, but not as easy as it should be.
Getting the contributor to a place where they can actually add photos is another new challenge.
If you found this process difficult, you can always use Eversnap, create an album, and invite friends all from your phone.