Category: DJ

DJs, beatport, beatneek 0

9 Mobile DJ Mistakes

The Cost of DJ Equipment has come down, but the requirements to be an awesome DJ haven’t.  The cost of becoming a ‘DJ’ has come down substantially, but we’ve learned that for every 10 bad DJ, there’s 1 really good one that pays attention to detail and delivers a killer experience. Delivering a Killer...

4 of our Favorite Articles On How to Become a Better DJ 0

4 of our Favorite Articles On How to Become a Better DJ

How to improve your live sets performances- Michael Walsh does an overview of 12 ways to improve live DJ performances. He’s a DJ from southern California with a penchant for being awesome. Following these tips and plenty of practice should make you a better DJ. Habits of Highly Mediocre DJ’s and how to avoid...